

For more information about Vistage International opportunities, please go to the contact page.

  • World’s largest CEO membership organization
    • 200 U.S. cities, 15 countries, most recently China
  • Community of business owners/CEOs/Division CEOs with similar values, issues and aspirations for growth, predisposed to help each other
    • Wired together by a private, on-line network for expertise, resources, contacts
  • Local Groups in which members have safely entrusted to each other their most sensitive issues; facilitated by a trained business coach
    • For facilitated issue processing (problems and opportunities)
    • Confidentiality and trust are paramount: no competitors, no customers, no suppliers in the same Group
  • Powerful resources
    • World-class workshop leaders
    • Website with best practices, subject matter experts

Vistage NYC Metro CEO Group Overview

The one group to whom you continually entrust your most sensitive issues and get really powerful, useful feedback: fresh perspective, fresh ideas or validation. A group that is there for each other.

Meetings you never want to miss because of the constant flow of solutions that save you time and effort. And because they are energizing and fun.


  • Sophisticated and complex firms
  • Wide range of companies in terms of sales volume and employees
  • Unique in that its busy, frequent-traveling members live in a “New York City minute”
  • Diversity of individual and company characteristics

Current Membership

Testimonials from Members of NYC CEO Group

Candidates We Seek

We seek members who:

  • have a passion to grow (their business and personally) to the next level
  • are open to learn, eager and able to share, giving and receiving feedback
  • bring diverse background and experience to the Group

In addition, to be at “eye-level” with the rest of the group, we seek members who are business owners, CEOs, Division CEOs with P&L and serial entrepreneurs. Charter member companies already range in size from multi-billion in sales to under $50mm.


What Made jack welch JACK WELCH

How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

by Stephen H. Baum (Random House)

Most leaders of American companies started out as ordinary people. What prepared them for the top job?

Countless more ordinary people of equal talent never developed the leadership core required to run the show. Why not?

"Lessons for life about the core leadership traits of character, risk taking decisiveness and the ability to engage and inspire followers."
--Jim Clifton, CEO, The Gallup Organization


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