Tag Archive | "Leadership and inspiration"

Coalition of the Willing for America

Monday, July 11, 2016

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CACAPHONY OF VOICES WITHOUT LISTENING We are a highly divided nation in an era of highly divided other nations. And, as a leadership expert, my view is that those in the public eye are feeding the frenzy, failing to lead us all, failing to inspire us all and so much is at stake for us […]

CEO’s Story: Integrity Not For Sale

Monday, July 30, 2012

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One of my close friends was the newly hired CEO of a F200 company – a distributor of industrial products. Customers were king and the unwritten rules of the industry at that time were to say “yes” to customer requests for special handling, inspection, or packaging, even if it degraded product quality or violate the […]

Can One Person Change the Fortunes of an Organization?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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If you are one of those who believe that the leader of an organization is limited in their impact and that market forces and other factors dictate outcomes, think again. Consider the Mets: failing under Willie Randolph and now rising from the ashes. What is the difference? The answer lies at least in the engagement […]

(AMA Webcast Q&A) Motivating Others

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

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During the webcast Q&A we spoke about leaders like Gordon Bethune who has developed an extraordinary ability to engage and inspire others. He distills down to a few basic beliefs: where people are in their hearts and minds and where they need to be to accomplish great things. Then he speaks to them in sound […]

What Made jack welch JACK WELCH

How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

by Stephen H. Baum (Random House)

Most leaders of American companies started out as ordinary people. What prepared them for the top job?

Countless more ordinary people of equal talent never developed the leadership core required to run the show. Why not?

"Lessons for life about the core leadership traits of character, risk taking decisiveness and the ability to engage and inspire followers."
--Jim Clifton, CEO, The Gallup Organization


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