Leadership Blues

From time to time, a CEO says “I’m not enjoying this job anymore. And my life is flat too.” Performance and contentment are tightly linked, so this is an action call. Time for a “thought experiment,” then some “field experiments” to test thinking, behavior and results.

What thought experiment? These have proven useful in the past: (1) writing her 2015 cover story and identifying what is really important to her (see free tools in the archives: What Matters Most to Me and Cover Story: You) and (2) in context of the cover story, identifying at what she wants to get better in the next 12 months (see list below). The key to the cover story is to imagine an ability or role or opportunity beyond reach now but conceivable by 2014 and inspiring to achieve.

Reaction to incoming stress
Time choices (work)
Time choices (work and life)
Re-defining my job description
Being even more of a a Go-to
Relationships with subordinates
Fitness and self-perception
Attracting new talent to my team

Active listening
Making alliances
Communication up and down
Carefrontation (pushback)
Re-framing arguments
Effective meetings
Connecting with others

Will it help? Stay tuned.

That’s my view. What’s yours?


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