The Vision Thing Matters Even More Now

Again, I always look forward to visiting with Jim Blasingame on small business advocate. The Vision Thing is a second topic for August 25, 2010.

The Vision Thing

What makes people look forward to coming to work? What makes them sacrifice
during hard times for the enterprise? Why do people flock to such an

Surveys of millions of working men and women — so-called “engagement surveys
— are consistent in the answers:

– i make a difference in something worthwhile
– i work with people i respect and  enjoy
– i am proud to be part of the organization
– People recognize and appreciate what i do (especially my boss)
– i am constantly learning and growing

A memorable, compelling vision/mission can drive all of these motivations to a
positive state of mind.

What is a vision? More than a slogan, it is a desired future state which
resonates deeply.

For a profit-making company, at least these:

– what this company will be able to do in the future that it cannot do now and why that matters in the world

– how that translates for customers and employees as well as investors

– in what ways we will be different from and better than competition

– why I will be proud to work for this company

For a not for profit, what are the components? At least these:

– the social value we will create in that desired state
– what we as an organization and as individuals aspire to be able to do
when we live the vision
– in what way we will be different or better than organizations in the same

How best to develop a vision and mission?

– the key elements are listed (minimal prose)
– the list is socialized and improves
– a prose version is derived from the list
– the vision is socialized and refined

What test must the vision pass?
– compelling, differentiated and relevant social value
– appropriate given the external challenges
– the right role and alliances given other players in the space

How is the vision instituionalized?
– programs, startegiea and budgets are re-evaluated in the light of the vision
– the ” new tape” is played over and over until the old tape is forgotten
– signal acts reinforce the vision

Whose job is all of this? It starts with the passion and spirit of the leader, the CEO, the business owner.

Remember, go visit:

small business advocate

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