Dealing with Stress — A CEOs View

One of my CEO friends was asked by a young management student: “How do you deal with the stress of so many challenges at once? I have been only a manager before going back to school and the stress was really challenging?”

My friend answered this way:

“First and foremost, you need to develop a thick skin. When we start out, most of us do not have a thick skin. . Second, you cannot let the job eat you alive. Finally, family is really important. When I walk in the door at night, I am not the CEO, just dad. It restores my balance.”

Know that this CEO was the boss of thousands of employees caught in one of the towers on 9/11, a time of incredible stress for everyone as well as the person in charge. Almost all of them got out safely. And temporary offices were created in the W Hotel. How did the boss keep people and the company serving its clients and customers in health care? By reminding them of the importance of the work they do and keeping them busy, focused on stuff to do. And, yes, listening a lot and making sure care was given by supervisors and by the company.

Good advice in stressful times from someone who has been there, done that. In a future post, I will reveal the identity of this terrific leader and convey more about what shaped him, his management philosophy and the passion that drives him to be the best he can be. Stay tuned.

That’s my view. Your comments are invited.

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One Response to “Dealing with Stress — A CEOs View”

  1. Inspirational article. In times of stress many people find it so hard to keep perspective and it affects their judgment. I found your comments very interesting and look forward to learning more about this person. Thanks!

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